
Software Services Website Designed and Developed By BlazeDream.

LT Eden Park

Real Estate Website L And T Eden Park Designed and Develped By BlazeDream.


TVS-E-Servicetec Website Designed and Develped By BlazeDream.

Glam Curry

Chennai Fashion Website Glam Curry Designed and Develped By BlazeDream.

Ocean Spray

Accommodation Services Website Ocean Spray Designed and Develped By BlazeDream.

Ramco Services

Business Process Consulting Website Ramco Services Designed and Develped By BlazeDream.

Sun Network

Media Services Website SUN TV Designed and Develped By BlazeDream.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Web design deals with the area of designing a good website which is a method of conceptualization, representation, scheduling and finishing of website content through the World Wide Web which comes in the form of HTML language.

It is gaining a huge importance in giving your website a professional look and also in driving your potential customers together.

Significance of content:
Creating efficient, searchable, achievable, multi-platform content will be our main concern. But make sure that whether it reaches the user via the best interactive experience possible.

Simplicity of compelling content and design:
Simplification is considered as the important tool to make the content accessible and readable with the best user experience. Content strategy, UX, Usability, Accessibility and Visual design must all be guided by this new pattern.

web design trends

UX Centered Design:
We put lots of effort and creativity for creating an extensive user experience. Everybody agrees on simplification on a visual and interaction level. Working closely with the clients can help them to enhance the software usability. This also will help to gain competitive advantage by achieving high end- user involvement and success.

App Style Interfaces:
Nowadays, most of the desktop websites are simulating the style and interface of mobile apps. It helps to facilitate the creation of responsive projects with its unifying and simplifying content & design.

Mobile Application Development

Unification of desktop and mobile into a single version:
Terms such as Responsive, Mobile First, Device Agnostic, and Resolution Independent are all progressing towards a common destination which is the unification of desktop and mobile into a single version.

Responsive Techniques and SVG:
The search for cross-platform technologies will steer to responsive techniques such as SVG, web fonts, design with typography evolving and becoming more widespread.

Flat Colors without Skeuomorphism:
Simplicity, Minimalism, Clear layouts, app-style interfaces, design focusing on typography, less decoration, less skeuomorphic interfaces are the leading visual trends has been identified recently.
Simplification in design and apparently aesthetic matters such as flat colors responds to the need to create adaptive projects and serve images.

Experimentation and Transformation:
It will be a good time for getting the best out of mobile technology and creating a modern user experience and experimenting widely with touch-enabled interfaces, speech-based and much more.


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